š¦ Wild Bird Watchers Bulletin: March 2021 Edition
Spring Is The Thing!
Spring check list
Spring is a time of year filled with positive feelings and inspiration. The fresh smell of new growth, longer days to feel the warm rays of the sun, and of course, the singing of wild birds. There is nothing that inspires such a connection to nature like hearing those pleasant notes that fill the air. There are many ways to invite a variety of wild birds right into your backyard, so here is a checklist to make sure you are all set!
There are not a lot of birds here in Manitoba that use human provided houses but the most popular are chickadees, wrens, bluebirds, and Tree swallows. Every bird has a preference in the hole size as well as the dimensions of the entire house. Bird houses should never have perches or ledges on the front as they just accommodate predators and they should have drainage and ventilation. The house should also be able to be opened so that the old nest can be removed at the end of the season. Birdhouses should be placed at a minimum height of 5ft and should be mounted at least 15ft away from birdfeeders. All houses should be up by the end of April.
Birdbaths are a super way to observe many birds including species that are not attracted to birdfeeders. Baths do require daily maintenance to keep clean and to refill. The potential of breeding mosquitoes is impossible if you maintain your bath as they require stagnant water to lay their eggs. There are standing baths, hanging, and even bowls to just sit on the ground or on a tree stump. If you have never had a birdbath before, they are, truly, a very enjoyable addition to your feeding station.
American goldfinches are one of the most popular birds to attract in summer. These adorable, bright yellow birds are sometimes referred to as wild canaries but are actually a wild finch. Not only are they beautiful to look at but they have a wonderful song. They are very easy to attract if you have the right feeder. There are feeders specifically designed to offer the finches their favourite foods, Nyjer seed or finely ground shelled sunflower meats. These feeders are also designed to ensure House sparrows will not be attracted as they are very aggressive to finches. American goldfinches can start arriving as early as mid-April depending on the weather so make sure your feeder is up by then!
Hummingbirds & Orioles
Stay tuned for next months newsletter where we will dedicate it to these two glorious species and how you can attract them to your yard!

Dark-eyed juncos are from a group of birds called New World Sparrows. They are a migratory bird and a great indicator of seasonal changes so when you wake up to a flock of them in your yard this spring, you can count on winter being over! When you see them in fall, your sentiment may not be as thrilling as it is the time to say goodbye to summer. They are one of the most common birds in North America with recent population numbers at 630 million!